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Welcome to The Church on the Bird Estate
A church family where everyone is accepted
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The Church on the Bird Estate - Lostock Christian Fellowship
Come and join us weekly 11am on Sundays at Lostock Hall Primary School .
We are a friendly group of Christians and would love to meet you.
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Upcoming events
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Latest Audio
You are where God wants you to be.
Ezra and Nehemiah introduction
Matthew 22 and John 15
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Sunday mornings:
We meet in the School Hall at 11.00am with Holy Communion being part of our service every 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings.
Our services usually start with a time of worship in music followed by prayers, the reading of God’s Word and a message.
Join us for refreshments before and after the service so we can get to know each other.
Mid-week meetings:
We hold Bible study, fellowship groups and prayer times in various locations during the week (see calendar for details).
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